And What Followed...

Friday, July 7, 2006

Update from Marc - Day 3 of Transplant

hey everyone.... This is Marc, Christine's brother. In case no one is aware, Christine wanted to let people know I'm an RN. At the moment I am at Christines bedside. I flew in yesterday (Thursday, July 7th) to be with her for this highly critical week. Christine asked me to write what is going on with her and what I have observed.

The strain of the transfusion has been exhausting physically, mentally and spiritually. Christine has been stating that she experiences exhaustion, pain, nausea, and restlessness simultaneously and constantly. Concentrating on keeping herself level is tiring and frustrating. She tries her best to relax or sleep but is often disrupted by the pain and/or nausea.

Needless to say she barely has the energy to speak and has limited capacity to interact. Overall she needs rest and that is why she has asked me to type for her. If anyone has left her a message, please be aware that Christine will not be able to get back to you anytime soon and she apologizes.

Also visitors can no longer enter the room and can only talk to her through a phone outside. Most importantly there are only small windows in the day in which she is able to have the energy to see and interact with visitors. She misses you all and always looks foward to seeing her friends but during these tough few weeks she will be unable to see many people. What we ask is to please call first before you come to visit, just to make sure Christine will have the energy she needs to see and speak with her guests. Additionally if you have any current infections or an infection in the past couple months, it is best if you refrain from visiting to protect her and other patients from a cross-infection.

As you know we are in the third day of the transfusion. At this moment the marrow has not grafted with her body. Bone marrow, if it accepts the body, takes a few weeks to graft. The longer it takes the marrow to start grafting, the harder it becomes for the patient as it becomes more challenging for the body to heal. It's for this reason that I am asking everyone to continue with their prayers, hopes and keep sending Christine positive love and support.

Though it may seem tough now, this hardship is merely a passing and temporary session of difficulty but for Christine however it feels like an eternity. So once again we must pray this these hard times flow through quick so she can begin her healing process.

We all thank you for your Love and prayers....

Marc Pechera

"The most beautiful stones have been tossed by the wind and washed by the waters and
polished to brilliance by life's strongest storms."

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