And What Followed...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Story of my life...

Even with the upcoming surgery, there is still time to squeeze in and make a difference.

I have an TV interview with CBS this Thursday, the day before surgery, as part of a larger story they are doing about cancer-awareness.

As soon as I am somewhat recovered, the following weekend I will be on KABC radio for a live interview.

And this week, the Aug/Sept issue of Audrey magazine features a story about my cancer journey, written by Jennifer Chen.

I was at City of Hope yesterday for Pre-Op tests and the usual rigamarole. Things are a go. It's hard to believe that I still have to ask for help this far out from treatment. I got sort of depressed about it at first but then realized how lucky I was to have friends who were still there for me.

With love,


Nancy said...

Hi Christine, Splenectomy? Gall Bladder removal?? Please enlighten us fellow transplant patients. I hope you are okay and that your GVHD symptoms will be gone following surgery. Good Luck.
love, nancy

** SAVE MICHELLE ** said...

hi there! Thanks for your comment on project michelle. Your story is inspiring. I've been following your blog since I was first diagnosed last year and it has been so helpful to me. Gluck with your surgery. Please keep in touch!

Michelle Maykin

Christine said...

In answer to Nancy: GVH has affected my skin and digestive tract. Immuno-suppressants and steroids have helped somewhat. The surgery was to clear out some minor problems in the lower intestine. Everything went smoothly and I am at home recovering nicely. Thanks everyone for continuing to hang in there and support!