And What Followed...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

From Stephanie I - To Bonnie re: donor drive


Don't be disappointed-35 is a very respectable turn-out. We've been doing many drives all across the country and some have been huge while others have been only 25 or so folks. Just know it's the quality (folks with kind hearts and the courage to actually donate) than quantity.

My son is half filipino/half caucasian and needs a transplant now-thank you so much for anything you can do to get people registered in your area. I joined this group because before I learned of Christine's search, I was sitting next to my son's
hospital bed crying and feeling helpless. That was Thanksgiving week. Since being inspired by Christine, we've signed up over 1000 people. Please don't give up the fight. Christine and others like her deserve the fighting chance at life that a well-matched transplant can give.

All the best,

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